What's On - Oxton Bar & Kitchen (OBK)
Live Music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Oxton Bar & Kitchen - check out what's on. Local music talents include Glade, Trouble With Ev, Matt and Izzy.
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What’s On

Live Music

Every Friday & Saturday night from 9pm

New Dates Coming Soon!


Friday 6th ~ Peter Pegasiou
Saturday 7th ~ Jade Thunder
Friday 13th ~ Harry James
Saturday 14th ~ Al
Friday 20th ~ Peter Pegasiou
Saturday 21st ~ GLADE
Tuesday 24th (CHRISTMAS EVE) ~ Harry James
Thursday 26th (BOXING DAY) ~ Al
Saturday 28th ~ Peter Pegasiou
Tuesday 31st (NEW YEARS EVE) ~ Al

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Save the turtles

So we’ve stopped giving straws out automatically. Although we use recycled & degradable ones – the process takes a while, and turtles can get them stuck up their noses ’n stuff when they’re having a mad one. So if you must have a straw think before you ask. One day you might come back as a turtle.

We love dogs
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We’re all dog lovers here, and over the years we’ve come to realise that dogs tend to be better behaved than most humans ~ so we’ve cut them some slack and they’re more than welcome inside. We have dog treats & water bowls. Please keep them on a lead and off the furniture though, and make sure they’ve had a good walk before coming in, no barking and no humping. Oh and after 9.30pm on the weekend its way too busy inside so please stay in the garden for their own well being.